Now, doesn't it feel good to laugh?! Children laugh up to 100 times a day, we should try to get in at least a few laughs a day too. So the next time you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, just think of these little stories and laugh out loud!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lock that Door!!-A lesson learned the hard way.

When my older sons were about 2 &d 3, I really didn't worry about locking the bathroom door. It was like they had some super sensitive hearing and KNEW when that lock clicked. So I just didn't bother, until... One day I was in need of a feminine hygiene product. I unwrapped it and was just about to..."use" it when the door was flung open & my oldest asked: "MOM, WHY ARE YOU PUTTING THAT IN YOUR WIENIE!?!?!" I now lock the door!

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